Outdoor Activities

How to warm up and cool down your dog for Canicross and Bikejoring

How to warm up and cool down your dog for Canicross and Bikejoring

You have probably heard it all before; it is wise to do a good warm-up before exercising. That doesn't only apply to you! It is also good for your dog to prepare them for the activity you are going to do. After all, they are also an athlete!

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How to teach your dog "Gee" and "Haw"

How to teach your dog "Gee" and "Haw"

Teaching your dog directional commands like «gee» (right turns) and «haw» (left turns) is beneficial in sports like bikejoring, canicross or mushing as well as in everyday life.

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Bikejoring equipment

Bikejoring Equipment – All you need to get started

A good bikejoring setup will enhance your experience and help prevent injuries. Your bikejoring starter kit should consist of an ergonomic harness, a bike antenna and an elastic line.

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How to start with Bikejoring

How to start with Bikejoring

When you got a bikejoring setup for yourself and your dog, and have made sure your dog is healthy, at the right age for pulling and fit for the challenge, you are are ready to start your bikejoring training. So how to teach bikejoring? In this article we have collected tips from professional bikejoring athletes.

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What is Bikejoring?

What is Bikejoring?

Bikejoring is a dynamic sport where a dog or a team of dogs pulls a cyclist on a bike. Originating from mushing, where dogs pull a sled, bikejoring involves connecting the dog to the bike with an elastic line.

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